Framed Wedding Invitation Keepsake. Framing your invitation is the most straightforward option. From stunning crystal vases, ornaments and engraved glass keepsakes to unique Mr. and Mrs. mementos they will cherish for years, you'll find a wide variety of keepsake gifts.

The blooms are designed around the invitation in colors that accent the wedding theme or flowers.
shadow box & frame ideas! wedding vow keepsake, suitable for framing and displaying in your home after the big day.
Customize wedding invitations online with the simple drag-n-drop editor and download printable PDFs or order printed cards for an affordable price. Bought the wedding keepsake library for my future daughter-in-law (and son :) They loved it - beautifully made and very practical.easy to organize paperwork as they plan their wedding and lots Filmstrip Custom Photo Art Framed Digital Picture..the date and wedding invitation, a photo from your day, a piece of your jewellery from your wedding garter Invest in a special keepsake box or a vintage suitcase to store all your wedding memories - from place A great reading for the wedding or a framed keepsake after the big day.